Goofy Geese - Slay Sonics

Goofy Geese

Goofy Geese, once the alias of Mats Jøger, is a musician from Bergen. Since 2021, Goofy Geese has now become a duo, adding musician Kaja Malena. They embody the essence of bedroom pop in every aspect of their music creation. This includes playing the guitar, bass, and keyboard in addition to providing vocals. Their music can be described as pop tunes wrapped up in a veil of sorts. Imagine the pop sounds of the 80s mixed with a self-made mentality. At the age of 24, Jøger has already shared musical experiences with acts such as Selmer, Vegard, and Ivar Band. 

Goofy Geese’s new release, “Bam Bam” dropped September 7th. It marks the initial step of their journey with their debut album. Goofy Geese is a band to keep an eye on in the alternative Pop scene due to their unique sound and style. You don’t want to miss out on this musical journey. You can find their new release on our Fresh Finds Spotify playlist. Give it a listen now!
